Ethics Lab pilots multidisciplinary fellowship program for Georgetown faculty

Plants, organic shapes, and speech bubbles vibrate with color and energy in an abstract canvas.
Ethics Lab does its best work when we’re in deep collaboration with partners from other fields and experiences.
— Jonathan Healey, Assistant Director of Ethics Lab

In October, Ethics Lab initiated a new Faculty Fellows program that brings together Georgetown professors and members of the Ethics Lab community to discuss their work in a collaborative environment. The Fellows program is an opportunity to bring together like-minded members of the Georgetown community for discussion and creative practice. 

“Ethics Lab does its best work when we're in deep collaboration with partners from other fields and experiences,” says Jonathan Healey, Assistant Director of the Lab. “The idea of a formal program emerged so that we could strengthen some of those relationships to mutually inform other work we might have in common.”

The first cohort of Ethics Lab Faculty Fellows, including professors from Philosophy, Communication, Culture and Technology (CCT), and Theology & Disability Studies, join the Ethics Lab team for monthly collaborative workshops.

“This opportunity got really exciting when we noticed mutual affinities among our partners that they hadn't yet connected themselves,” Healey says.

At these Faculty Fellows gatherings (or “jam sessions,” as they are fondly called), the expanded team comes together to share ideas and research, discuss best practices, and identify areas where their work overlaps through engaging, and often playful, facilitation. No two Fellows events look the same; each 90-minute session is guided by the interests, research and current projects of the Fellow hosting. 

“In this pilot year, the goal is to get us all in the room together [figuratively speaking], to have this opportunity to bounce ideas off one other,” says Sydney Luken, a Designer for the Lab. “We hope in the future we’ll be able to work together to realize some of the ideas these conversations spark.”

The Faculty Fellows pilot program was made possible through the generous support of Monica Lopez and Sameer Gandhi.